
I saw an owl the other evening. The wingspan spread against the sky behind it as it swept in and over the edge of our patio roof. Then it was gone. Another shadow behind the rafters.

I sat outdoors in the shadow of twilight, after watching the last sunbeams shine on the hill across the street. That is afternoon and sunset, the golden hour when burning yellow transforms into orange and red until crimson tells it goodbye, and the charcoal gray of shadow makes us whisper goodnight and goodbye. The stiff gnomon of the eucalyptus tree shapes a giant sundial lit until the last minute by red horizon beams because at this time of year, alone, the solstice sunset shines right up the canyon walls.

At the bottom of that cleft, I rejoice. Winter is turning. Only a little while more and we will slowly see more and more of the sun fire buring in the sky.

Then it will be hot.



The horror. Brush strokes kill. Flying blades swirl over our heads. Before the blast no one knows from where it comes. Only that it spoke out loud. The horror.

Fingerprints, or: Tongue

The Skeptic's Kaddish 🇮🇱

Poetry Partners #161

Senryu by Jan Beekman of ‘janbeek’


Each snowflake's unique
Like my fingerprints and eyes
Brrr - snow on my lids


I stuck my tongue out
Ouch! Help me, I'm way too close
Stuck to that damn pole

Tankas by ben Alexander of ‘The Skeptic’s Kaddish’


each snowflake's unique
like my fingerprints and eyes
brrr - snow on my lidswhen you're upset, remember:
no person is a snowflake


I stuck my tongue out
ouch! help me, I'm way too close
stuck to that damn poleugh, pleeth thtop pullin; tha hut'ths!
juth go get thom hoth wateh!

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